Dortmund’s date with destiny gives Marco Reus chance to sign off in style | Andy Brassell

Dortmund’s date with destiny gives Marco Reus chance to sign off in style | Andy Brassell

06-May-2024 13:16:44 | The Guardian

Departing legend played his part in helping his hometown club approach the second leg against PSG with spirits high

“He is,” said Edin Terzic, “a living legend.” The stars have not always aligned for Marco Reus as he has wanted or deserved but on this first weekend of May, everything clicked into place.

This was the first part of a two-stage tribute at Signal Iduna Park for one of Borussia Dortmund’s most beloved players of the modern era. It was emotional – and emotion is what this arena always does best. With his good friend Jadon Sancho looking on from the centre circle, clapping and spellbound, Reus approached the Yellow Wall for his applause at full-time, his young daughter in his arms.

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